Dra. Ninoska Abreu

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Dra. Ninoska Abreu

  1. Paiva SM, Abreu-Placeres N, Camacho ME, Frias AC, Tello G, Perazzo MF, Pucca-Júnior GA. Dental caries experience and its impact on quality of life in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Brazilian Oral Research. 2021 May 28;35.
  2. Abreu‐Placeres N, Grau‐Grullón P, Naidu R, García‐Godoy F, Newton JT, Ekstrand KR, Pitts N, Lopez del Valle LM, Féliz‐Matos L, Rivera Y, González RF. Cariology Consensus for Undergraduates at Dental Schools in the Caribbean Region. European Journal of Dental Education. 2020 Dec 28.
  3. Ekstrand KR, Abreu-Placeres N. The impact of a national caries strategy in Greenland 10 years after implementation. A failure or a success?. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2020 Jan 1;79(1):1804260.
  4. Abreu‐Placeres N, Yunes Fragoso P, Cruz Aponte P, Garrido LE. Rubber Dam Isolation Survey (RDIS) for adhesive restorative treatments. European Journal of Dental Education. 2020 Nov;24(4):724-33.
  5. Abreu-Placeres N, Garrido LE, Castillo JI, Féliz-Matos LE. Does Applying Fluoride Varnish Every Three Months Better Prevent Caries Lesions in Erupting First Permanent Molars? A Randomised Clinical Trial. Oral health & preventive dentistry. 2019;17(6):541.
  6. Abreu-Placeres N, Newton JT, Pitts N, et al. Understanding dentists’ caries management: The COM-B ICCMS™ questionnaire. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2018;00:1–10.
  7. Abreu-Placeres N, Garrido LE, Féliz-Matos LE. Cross-cultural validation of the scale of oral health-related outcomes for 5-year-old-children with a low-income sample from the Dominican Republic. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent 2017;7:84-9.

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