Dra. Marchan Shivaughn

  1. Marchan SM, Hinds D, and Ostromecki ME. Dentine Surface Characterization Following Use of Tubule Occluding Toothpastes and Dentine Bonding Using a Dentine Disc Model. Int J Clin Dent. 2016; 9(2): 113-123.
  2. Marchan SM, Bishop A, Smith WAJ, Seerattan P, Hinds H. A Comparative Assessment of the Surface Roughness of Thermoplastic Denture Base Resins Following Adjustment and Re-Polishing. Open Journal of Stomatology 2017; Vol.7(4)  
  3. Marchan SM. Smith WAJ. A preliminary investigation into the dietary and oral practices associated with fractured teeth and prostheses in a Trinidadian population J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2018; Vol 8(5): 402-08. 
  4. Marchan SM, Bascombe K, Hector T, Smith WAJ, Ramnanasingh TG. The long term effect of flavored sparkling water on human tooth enamel determined by gravimetric analysis: a preliminary evaluation Brazilian Dental Science 2020; Vol 23(1): 1-7 
  5. Marchan SM, Lynch LT, Bascombe K, Carty XJ, Smith WA, Rafeek RN The color stability of gingival shade restorative materials. 2020; 68(5): 61-65. 
  6. Marchan S, Hector T, Bascombe K. The pH and Titratable Acidity of Still and Sparkling Flavored Waters: The Effects of Temperature and Storage Time. 2021; 11(3).  10.4236/ojst.2021.113012